Chandra Mission
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Chandra Web Site Awards & Recognition

Awards & Recognition for 2003

PhMS Platinum Award for Internet Excellence

We are very pleased to be able to inform you that our judges have decided your web site more than deserves our award! Thank you for adding to the wealth of the Internet. (2003)

Your website ("Chandra X-ray Observatory Center") has been included in the PSIgate Physical Sciences Information Gateway:

PSIgate is a free online catalogue of high quality Internet resources in the physical sciences. Resources are selected, catalogued and indexed by researchers and other specialists in their respective fields. (2003)
Topworld Web Award

Your site was selected to receive the (an initiative to disclose the best works in the world web). (2003)

"The Chandra X-ray Observatory Center" has been selected as the "Weekly Link Award" winner for this week (March 23 - 29, 2003)!
ADSoft Web Award

Congratulations! ADSoft Web Award is given to the best web sites that attract visitors with eye-catching design, useful content or just by charm. (2003)
PGS Gold Award

As one of the top design award Phentermine sites, we know about quality content and good html...congratulations on such a great web site. (2003)