Astro-ganza in Long Beach
This week, the American Astronomical Society (AAS) is holding its 221st meeting in Long Beach, CA. These meetings are a chance for astronomers to get together and share some of their latest findings. Some of these are even featured in press releases and press conferences including the newest results from Chandra. You'll find scientists from government agencies like NASA and researchers from universities. You see aspiring graduate students mixing with award-winning astronomers and everyone in between.

In this astro-ganza, there are also chances to explore what various missions and organizations are doing in education and public outreach. We at Chandra used this opportunity to share some of our work in the "Dark Universe" using our jelly bean activity. Our staff really enjoyed interacting with the meeting attendees and spreading the word about the exotic and mysterious nature of the Universe that Chandra explores.

For more AAS photos, visit our Facebook page, or for tweets from the AAS, visit our Twitter page
Photo credits: CXC/A.Solares
-Megan Watzke, Chandra EPO
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