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Blasts From The Past: Historic Supernovas

  Flash from Chandra.

Investigating Supernova Remnants
Historic SNR

An activity that uses Chandra data to investigate several supernova remnants to determine if the supernova was a Type II core collapse or a Type Ia thermonuclear event. There are two versions of this activity; a pencil and paper version, and a version that uses the Chandra ds9 image analysis software.

  • Introduction and Background: html
  • Download instructions for ds9: html
  • Tutorial to use the ds9 software: html
  • X-Ray Spectroscopy and Supernova Remnants ds9 Version: html | PDF
  • X-Ray Spectroscopy and Supernova Remnants Pencil and Paper Version: html | PDF
  • Cas A: The Supernova as Cosmic Recycling Center: A set of 6 activities that utilizes ds9 and Chandra data to explore the science of Cas A.