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Operations CXO Status Report

Friday 9 May 2008 7.00am EDT

During the last week the observing schedule was replanned to include a 30 Ks observation of the GRB source SBR 080503 that was accepted as a fast turn-around Target Of Opportunity (TOO) on May 5. Loads were replanned and uplinked on May 6. A portion of an observation of the 1.5 degree field was impacted by the TOO and will be rescheduled in a future mission load.

A real-time procedure was executed on May 6 to perform a routine self-check of the Electrical Interface Assembly (EIA) Sequencer.

The schedule of targets for the next week is shown below and consists largely of a series of observations aimed at categorizing the many faint X-ray sources in the Galactic Bulge. In addition, the schedule contains observations of M87 coordinated with Hubble and of PKS 2155-305 coordinated with XMM-Newton and Suzaku.

Radiation Belts                     May 12 
PKS2155-304            ACIS-S/LETG  May 13 
GBS1 (55 obs)          ACIS-I
Radiation Belts                     May 15 
M87                    ACIS-S       May 16 
GRB080319B             ACIS-S
GBS1 (11 obs)          ACIS-I


All spacecraft subsystems continued to support nominal operations.

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