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Identification of Type II Quasar
The box in the left-hand panel indicates the region of the sky where the "hidden" quasar was discovered in the Chandra Deep Field-South image. The panel on the right is a blow up of the area on the left, and the arrow specifically targets the object believed to be the Type II quasar.
Scale: Left panel: 16 arcmin per side; Right panel: 3.5 arcmin per side
(Credit: NASA/JHU)
The box in the left-hand panel indicates the region of the sky where the "hidden" quasar was discovered in the Chandra Deep Field-South image. The panel on the right is a blow up of the area on the left, and the arrow specifically targets the object believed to be the Type II quasar.
Scale: Left panel: 16 arcmin per side; Right panel: 3.5 arcmin per side
(Credit: NASA/JHU)
Chandra X-ray Image with Scale
Scale bar = 5 arcmin
(Credit: NASA/JHU/AUI/R.Giacconi et al.)
Scale bar = 5 arcmin
(Credit: NASA/JHU/AUI/R.Giacconi et al.)
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