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Animation of Centaurus A
QuickTime MPEG
This animation begins with the location of Centaurus A on the Chandra x-ray sky map. Next, it dissolves from the Chandra X-ray image to the DSS optical to the two NRAO radio images. The final frame fades in the full composite image with x-ray, optical and radio data combined.
[Runtime: 0:31]
Animation: CXC/A.Hobart
QuickTime MPEG
This animation begins with the location of Centaurus A on the Chandra x-ray sky map. Next, it dissolves from the Chandra X-ray image to the DSS optical to the two NRAO radio images. The final frame fades in the full composite image with x-ray, optical and radio data combined.
[Runtime: 0:31]
Animation: CXC/A.Hobart
Return to Centaurus A Arcs (07 Aug 02)