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Time-lapse Movie of Chandra Images
This time-lapse movie made from observations over a four-year period shows the black hole XTE J1550-564 (center), the approaching eastern jet, and the receding western jet (right). In four years the jets moved about two light years from the black hole.
Credits: NASA/CXC
This time-lapse movie made from observations over a four-year period shows the black hole XTE J1550-564 (center), the approaching eastern jet, and the receding western jet (right). In four years the jets moved about two light years from the black hole.
Credits: NASA/CXC

Time-lapse Movie of Chandra Images (unlabeled)
This time-lapse movie made from observations over a four-year period shows the black hole XTE J1550-564 (center), the approaching eastern jet, and the receding western jet (right). In four years the jets moved about two light years from the black hole.
Credits: NASA/CXC
This time-lapse movie made from observations over a four-year period shows the black hole XTE J1550-564 (center), the approaching eastern jet, and the receding western jet (right). In four years the jets moved about two light years from the black hole.
Credits: NASA/CXC

Animation of an X-ray binary system
This animation begins with a view outside of Milky Way and then zooms in on one of the spiral arms to the double-star system XTE J1550-564, which contains a black hole and a normal Sun-like star. As gaseous material is pulled off the companion star onto the black hole, it forms a disk that is heated to millions of degrees. The animation then shows the ejection and evolution of the jets of high-energy particles.
Animation: CXC/A.Hobart
This animation begins with a view outside of Milky Way and then zooms in on one of the spiral arms to the double-star system XTE J1550-564, which contains a black hole and a normal Sun-like star. As gaseous material is pulled off the companion star onto the black hole, it forms a disk that is heated to millions of degrees. The animation then shows the ejection and evolution of the jets of high-energy particles.
Animation: CXC/A.Hobart

Simulation of Jet
This simulation illustrates the evolution of a magnetized jet of high-energy particles as it moves at near the speed of light through a low-density gas. Scientists believe that the western jet in XTE J1550-564 developed its cometary shape by a similar process.
[Run time = 0:07 sec]
Credit: I.Tregillis (Univ. of Minnesota/LANL), T.Jones (Univ. of Minnesota), D.Ryu (Chungnam National Univ.y, South Korea)
This simulation illustrates the evolution of a magnetized jet of high-energy particles as it moves at near the speed of light through a low-density gas. Scientists believe that the western jet in XTE J1550-564 developed its cometary shape by a similar process.
[Run time = 0:07 sec]
Credit: I.Tregillis (Univ. of Minnesota/LANL), T.Jones (Univ. of Minnesota), D.Ryu (Chungnam National Univ.y, South Korea)
Time-lapse Movie of Chandra Images (labeled)
This time-lapse movie made from observations over a four-year period shows the black hole XTE J1550-564 (center), the approaching eastern jet, and the receding western jet (right). In four years the jets moved about two light years from the black hole.
[Run time = 0:53 sec]
Credits: NASA/CXC
This time-lapse movie made from observations over a four-year period shows the black hole XTE J1550-564 (center), the approaching eastern jet, and the receding western jet (right). In four years the jets moved about two light years from the black hole.
[Run time = 0:53 sec]
Credits: NASA/CXC
Time-lapse Movie of Chandra Images (unlabeled)
This time-lapse movie made from observations over a four-year period shows the black hole XTE J1550-564 (center), the approaching eastern jet, and the receding western jet (right). In four years the jets moved about two light years from the black hole.
[Run time = 0:15 sec]
Credits: NASA/CXC
This time-lapse movie made from observations over a four-year period shows the black hole XTE J1550-564 (center), the approaching eastern jet, and the receding western jet (right). In four years the jets moved about two light years from the black hole.
[Run time = 0:15 sec]
Credits: NASA/CXC
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