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More Images of NGC 3079
X-ray/Optical Composite of NGC 3079, Core
The Chandra and Hubble composite of NGC 3079's core reveals a bubble of hot gas rising from the core of the spiral galaxy. Astronomers suspect that the bubble is being blown by high-speed streams of particles released during a burst of star formation.
Scale: Image is .5 arcmin per side
(Credit: NASA/CXC/STScI/U.North Carolina/G.Cecil)

X-ray/Optical Composite of NGC 3079, Full Field
This spiral galaxy is located about 50 million light years from Earth in the constellation of Ursa Major (the Big Dipper).
Scale: Image is 1.25 x 3 arcmin
(Credit: NASA/CXC/STScI/U.North Carolina/G.Cecil)

Chandra X-ray Image of NGC 3079, Full Field
This Chandra image of NGC 3079 shows remarkable correlation between X-ray emission and optical light when matched with Hubble data. This correspondence leaves astronomers clues about the nature of 'bubbles' produced by superwinds.
Scale: Image is 1.25 x 3 arcmin
(Credit: NASA/CXC/U.North Carolina/G.Cecil)

Hubble Optical Image of NGC 3079, Full Field
This Hubble snapshot reveals dramatic activities within the core of the galaxy NGC 3079, where a lumpy bubble of hot gas is rising from a cauldron of glowing matter.
More info on Hubble's release
Scale: Image is 1.25 x 3 arcmin
(Credit: NASA/STScI/U.North Carolina/G.Cecil)

Chandra X-ray Image of NGC 3079, Core
Focusing on the core of NGC 3079, this Chandra image shows the bubble produced by the superwind. The bubble is embedded in a cone-shaped strucutre of more diffuse X-ray emission.
Scale: Image is .5 arcmin per side
(Credit: NASA/CXC/U.North Carolina/G.Cecil)

Hubble Optical Image of NGC 3079, Core
The core of NGC 3079 is seen by Hubble to contain the same bubble as seen in X-rays. This structure is believed to be 3,000 light yeras wide and rises 3,500 light years above the galaxy's disk.
More info on Hubble's release
Scale: Image is .5 arcmin per side
(Credit: NASA/STScI/U.North Carolina/G.Cecil)

X-ray/Optical Composite With Scale Bar
Scale bar = 6 arcsec
Credit: NASA/CXC/STScI/U.North Carolina/G.Cecil

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