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More Images of TW Hydrae and HD 98800A
Artist's Conception of TW Hydrae and HD 98800A
An artist's conception shows TW Hydrae (left) and HD 98800A (right), two young star systems that are both members of the TW Hydrae stellar association which formed about 10 million years ago. On the left, the illustration depicts matter accreting onto the star from a circumstellar disk. X-rays are produced as matter from the disk is guided by the star's magnetic field onto one or more hot spots on the surface of the star. On the right, the illustration shows a binary star system's brightest star producing X-rays much as the Sun does, from a hot upper atmosphere or corona. This indicates that any disk around these stars has been greatly diminished or destroyed in ten million years, perhaps by the ongoing formation of planets or by its companion stars.
(Credit: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss)

Chandra X-ray Spectra of TW Hydrae & HD 98800A
The X-ray spectrum of TW Hydrae (left) provides strong evidence that matter is accreting onto the star from a circumstellar disk. X-rays are produced as matter from the disk is guided by the star's magnetic field onto one or more hot spots on the surface of the star. In contrast, the spectrum of the binary star system HD 98800A (right) revealed that its brightest star is producing X-rays much as the Sun does, from a hot upper atmosphere or corona. This indicates that any disk around these stars has been greatly diminished or destroyed in ten million years, perhaps by the ongoing formation of planets or by its companion stars.
(Credit: NASA/CXC/RIT/J.Kastner et al.)

Chandra 0th Order Image of HD98800
Chandra's 0th order image of HD98800 was observed on March 07, 2003 for 100ks. The "zeroth-order" image obtained by HETG consists of photons that go "straight through" the gratings, i.e., are not redirected (dispersed) according to their energies.

Scale: Image is 4 arcsec per side

(Credit: NASA/CXC/RIT/J.Kastner et al.)

Infrared Images of HD98800
This series of infrared images were observed on May 11, 1998 with the Keck II 10m, using OSCIR (Univ of Florida mid-IR camera) Bandwidth (from left to right): 7.9, 8.8, 9.8, 10.3, 11.7, 12.5 microns The scale is a smaller field of view than the Chandra image shown above (IR images are about 1.5 x 1.5 arcseconds) but otherwise they are the same orientation
(Credit: L.Prato, A.M.Ghez et. al.)

Chandra X-ray Image with Scale Bar
Scale bar = 1 arcsec
Credit: NASA/CXC/RIT/J.Kastner et al.

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