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Chandra X-ray & VLA Radio Composite Image
This composite X-ray/radio image of Abell 400 shows radio jets (pink), immersed in a vast cloud of multimillion degree X-ray emitting gas (blue) that pervades the cluster. The jets emanate from the vicinity of two supermassive black holes (bright spots in the image) in the galaxy. The raw Chandra data of the two sources (shown left in the pullout & also on the right) has been labeled A400-42 and A400-43.
Scale: Full-field X-ray image is 12 arcmin per side
(Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/AIfA/D.Hudson & T.Reiprich et al.)
This composite X-ray/radio image of Abell 400 shows radio jets (pink), immersed in a vast cloud of multimillion degree X-ray emitting gas (blue) that pervades the cluster. The jets emanate from the vicinity of two supermassive black holes (bright spots in the image) in the galaxy. The raw Chandra data of the two sources (shown left in the pullout & also on the right) has been labeled A400-42 and A400-43.
Scale: Full-field X-ray image is 12 arcmin per side
(Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/AIfA/D.Hudson & T.Reiprich et al.)
Chandra X-ray Image of 3C 75 in Abell 400
Chandra's image of the galaxy cluster Abell 400 shows a vast cloud of multimillion degree X-ray emitting gas that pervades the cluster. Radio jets emanate from the vicinity of two supermassive black holes (bright spots in the image). These black holes are in the dumbbell galaxy NGC 1128, which has produced the giant radio source, 3C 75.
Scale: Image is 12 arcmin per side
(Credit: NASA/CXC/AIfA/D.Hudson & T.Reiprich et al.)
Chandra's image of the galaxy cluster Abell 400 shows a vast cloud of multimillion degree X-ray emitting gas that pervades the cluster. Radio jets emanate from the vicinity of two supermassive black holes (bright spots in the image). These black holes are in the dumbbell galaxy NGC 1128, which has produced the giant radio source, 3C 75.
Scale: Image is 12 arcmin per side
(Credit: NASA/CXC/AIfA/D.Hudson & T.Reiprich et al.)
DSS Optical Image of 3C 75 in Abell 400
This image from the Digitized Sky Survey (DSS)/Palomar 48-inch Schmidt telescope shows NGC 1128 in visible light. The peculiar dumbbell structure of this galaxy is thought to be due to two large galaxies that are in the process of merging. Such mergers are common in the relatively congested environment of galaxy clusters. An alternative hypothesis is that the apparent structure is the result of a coincidence in time when the two galaxies are passing one another, like ships in the cosmic sea.
(Credit: Pal.Obs. DSS)
This image from the Digitized Sky Survey (DSS)/Palomar 48-inch Schmidt telescope shows NGC 1128 in visible light. The peculiar dumbbell structure of this galaxy is thought to be due to two large galaxies that are in the process of merging. Such mergers are common in the relatively congested environment of galaxy clusters. An alternative hypothesis is that the apparent structure is the result of a coincidence in time when the two galaxies are passing one another, like ships in the cosmic sea.
(Credit: Pal.Obs. DSS)
VLA Radio Image of 3C 75 in Abell 400
This radio image of the galaxy cluster Abell 400 was taken with NRAO's Very Large Array (VLA). The observations show radio jets which emanate from the vicinity of two supermassive black holes (bright spots in the image). These black holes are in the dumbbell galaxy NGC 1128, which has produced the giant radio source, 3C 75. The swept-back appearance of the radio jets is produced by the rapid motion of the galaxy through the hot gas of the cluster, in much the same way that a motorcyclist's scarf is swept back while speeding down the road.
Scale: Image is 12 arcmin per side
This radio image of the galaxy cluster Abell 400 was taken with NRAO's Very Large Array (VLA). The observations show radio jets which emanate from the vicinity of two supermassive black holes (bright spots in the image). These black holes are in the dumbbell galaxy NGC 1128, which has produced the giant radio source, 3C 75. The swept-back appearance of the radio jets is produced by the rapid motion of the galaxy through the hot gas of the cluster, in much the same way that a motorcyclist's scarf is swept back while speeding down the road.
Scale: Image is 12 arcmin per side
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