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Multi-wavelength Views of NGC 3576
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Because NGC 3576 is very dense, many of the young, massive stars visible in the Chandra image have previously been hidden from view. A cluster of stars is visible in the infrared data, but not enough young, massive stars have been identified to explain the brightness of the nebula. Astronomers have found a large flow of ionized gas in radio observations and huge bubbles in optical images that extend out from the edge of the HII region. Taken with the X-ray data, this information hints that powerful winds are emerging from this hidden cluster.
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(Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/Penn State/L.Townsley et al.; Optical: DSS; Infrared: MSX)
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Because NGC 3576 is very dense, many of the young, massive stars visible in the Chandra image have previously been hidden from view. A cluster of stars is visible in the infrared data, but not enough young, massive stars have been identified to explain the brightness of the nebula. Astronomers have found a large flow of ionized gas in radio observations and huge bubbles in optical images that extend out from the edge of the HII region. Taken with the X-ray data, this information hints that powerful winds are emerging from this hidden cluster.
[Runtime: 0:24]
(Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/Penn State/L.Townsley et al.; Optical: DSS; Infrared: MSX)
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