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X-ray, Optical & Radio Images of Abell 1033
A look-alike of the Star Trek "Enterprise" can be seen in these images of the galaxy cluster Abell 1033 that includes X-rays from Chandra, radio emission from LOFAR, and optical emission from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Scientists have determined that Abell 1033 is two galaxy clusters in the process of colliding. This extraordinarily energetic event, happening from the top to the bottom in the image, has produced turbulence and shock waves.
(Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/Leiden Univ./F. de Gasperin et al; Optical: SDSS; Radio: LOFAR/ASTRON, NCRA/TIFR/GMRT)
A look-alike of the Star Trek "Enterprise" can be seen in these images of the galaxy cluster Abell 1033 that includes X-rays from Chandra, radio emission from LOFAR, and optical emission from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Scientists have determined that Abell 1033 is two galaxy clusters in the process of colliding. This extraordinarily energetic event, happening from the top to the bottom in the image, has produced turbulence and shock waves.
(Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/Leiden Univ./F. de Gasperin et al; Optical: SDSS; Radio: LOFAR/ASTRON, NCRA/TIFR/GMRT)
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