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X-ray, Radio, & Optical Images of PSO167-13
Chandra X-ray data revealed what may be the most distant shrouded black hole. Found at a time only about 850 million years after the Big Bang, this black hole could help astronomers better understand an important epoch in the Universe. Optical light searches, represented by the large PanSTARRS image, generally only uncover unobscured quasars. The X-rays from PSO167-13 show this black hole is veiled by thick clouds of gas and dust. The Chandra and ALMA images show the same fields of view around PSO167-13.
(Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXO/Ponticifca Catholic Univ. of Chile/F. Vito; Radio: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO); Optical: PanSTARRS)
Chandra X-ray data revealed what may be the most distant shrouded black hole. Found at a time only about 850 million years after the Big Bang, this black hole could help astronomers better understand an important epoch in the Universe. Optical light searches, represented by the large PanSTARRS image, generally only uncover unobscured quasars. The X-rays from PSO167-13 show this black hole is veiled by thick clouds of gas and dust. The Chandra and ALMA images show the same fields of view around PSO167-13.
(Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXO/Ponticifca Catholic Univ. of Chile/F. Vito; Radio: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO); Optical: PanSTARRS)
Return to PSO167-13: Cloaked Black Hole Discovered in Early Universe using NASA's Chandra (August 8, 2019)