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Q & A: Normal Stars, White Dwarf Stars, Star Clusters and Binary Stars

Image of a black hole   Star (def.): A glowing ball of gas held together by its own gravity and powered by nuclear fusion in its core.

Field Guide to Stars
error-file:tidyout.logChandra Images: Normal Stars & Star Clusters

Q: How do scientists detect the birth of a star?

Q: The term "Planetary Nebula" seems misleading. Why are they called that?

Q: Is Antares showing signs of pre-Supernova activity like Eta Carinae or Betelgeuse?

Q: What kinds of stars are there? How big are stars? Who are some famous people who studied stars?

Q: If Proxima Centauri was in the place or location of our Sun, how much light would it provide to the Earth, let's say at noon? Would it be just as bright at noon with Proxima Centauri as it would with our Sun, or darker?

Q: How long might a white dwarf exist before becoming a brown dwarf?

Q: I wanted to know the difference between a white dwarf and neutron star, and the meaning of planetary nebula and nebula.

Q: I have also read on your website that black holes are stars which are 3 times as massive as our Sun. Does this mean that no shining star has a mass more than 3 times that of our sun?

Q: Could you please tell me which is more more common in our Galaxy: white dwarfs or black holes? Why?

Q: I am interested in determining if the overall total black hole mass content of elliptical galaxies is usually less than that of typical spiral galaxies. Detection of stellar mass black holes in distant elliptical's is currently very difficult...Nevertheless, your Chandra team has revealed X-ray evidence for some black holes in binaries, particularly in globular clusters, of certain elliptical's like NGC 4697. Does this suggest that there is essentially no difference between spirals and elliptical's in their ability to create stellar mass black holes?

Q: Where can I find updated information on Eta Carinae?

Q: What is the frequency of the Sun?

Q: Are there any electrons left in a star after the Wolf-Rayet stage?

Q: Can a black dwarf become a nebula and a black hole both?

Q: How many binary star systems has Chandra discovered in other galaxies?

Q: The X-ray image of Orion Nebula seems to have a large cross in its center, as if it was formed by 4 quadrants. Why is that?

Q: Sirius B is supposed to orbit Sirius A on a 50 year cycle--when did this 50th year last occur?

Q: Do you have a list of the biggest stars?

Q: How are stars formed?

Q: What are five differences between white dwarfs and neutron stars?

Q: What are the brightest stars in order from brightest to least in the constellation of orion?

Q: Why do astronomers think Eta Carinae will explode any time? If it explodes, how bright would it be? What will remain after it explodes?

Q: Where is the image of "Procyon"? I thought you guys looked at both Procyon and Pleiades before December 1999.

Q: Has Chandra observed Cygnus X-1?

Q: Could you tell me what the scale is in the X-ray picture of Eta Carinae? And is the angular range the same in all the "first target" pictures?

Q: I'm looking for pictures/scientific information about Capella and his system.

Q: I'm looking for a picture of a white dwarf from Chandra.

Q: Is there such a thing as a red dwarf? If so, how is it different from a white or brown dwarf?

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