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1. First Light at the OCC
Real time First Light raw data being displayed as an image (left) spectrum (right).
(Photo: CXC)
Real time First Light raw data being displayed as an image (left) spectrum (right).
(Photo: CXC)
2. First Light at the OCC
Displaying a simulation of Chandra's orientation as it took the First Light image (pictured behind is the earth).
(Photo: CXC)
Displaying a simulation of Chandra's orientation as it took the First Light image (pictured behind is the earth).
(Photo: CXC)
3. First Light at the OCC
Flight controllers showing elation after First Light image was downloaded.
(Photo: CXC)
Flight controllers showing elation after First Light image was downloaded.
(Photo: CXC)
4. First Light at the OCC
In the Tech Support Room scientists studying the telemetry for Chandra's first target.
(Photo: CXC)
In the Tech Support Room scientists studying the telemetry for Chandra's first target.
(Photo: CXC)
6. First Light at the OCC
Flight and CXC Directors getting confirmation that Chandra had locked on to its First Light target.
(Photo: CXC)
Flight and CXC Directors getting confirmation that Chandra had locked on to its First Light target.
(Photo: CXC)