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CXC PowerPoint Presentations

Note: These presentations are available as Microsoft PowerPoint files and/or Zip files. Zipped files are typically bundled with movie or sound clips that the individual PowerPoint file will not have. Visit our download center to get the PowerPoint Viewer, a free utility for viewing PowerPoint files.

Highlights 2012
1. Highlights from the Chandra X-ray Observatory (2012)
Slides Included: Electromagnetic Spectrum, Chandra Craft, Launch/Deployment, Orion Nebula, Cas A, Galactic Center, NGC 6240, Bullet Cluster, Image Gallery, etc.
(Approx Run Time: 20-30 minutes)

Jelly Bean Jar
2. The Universe in a Jelly Bean Jar
Most of the Universe is dark. The protons, neutrons and electrons that make up the stars, planets and us represent only a small fraction of the mass and energy of the Universe. The rest is dark and mysterious. How can X-rays help reveal the secrets of this darkness?
See also: The Universe Darkly, The Universe and
The Universe in a Jelly Bean Jar PDF | Flash
(Approx Run Time: 15 minutes)

Chandra Image Loop (2006)
3. Chandra Image Loop (2010)
This presentation is a collection of about 75 high resolution Chandra images from 1999-2010. The slides are set in a loop that will run continuously during presentation mode until the Escape button is pressed. Each slide has about 30 seconds in between transitions.
(Approx Run Time: 40-45 minutes)

Chandra Image Loop (2006)
4. The Chandra X-ray Observatory, Overview (2008)
Slides Included: Electromagnetic Spectrum, Chandra Facts, Chandra Craft, Chandra in Cargo Bay/Deployment, Grazing Schematic, Mirror Polish & Fabrication, Orion Nebula, the 1-million second exposure on Cas A, Galactic Center, NGC 6240, Perseus Cluster, Bullet Cluster, Image Gallery.
(Approx Run Time: 20-30 minutes)

Chandra Image Loop (2006)
5. Chandra Image Loop (2006)
This presentation is a collection of about 40 Chandra images from 2001-2006. The slides are set in a loop that will run continuously during presentation mode until the Escape button is pressed. Each slide has about 30 seconds in between transitions.
(Approx Run Time: 20-25 minutes)

The Chandra X-ray Observatory: The Past, the Present, and the Future (2005)
6. The Chandra X-ray Observatory: The Past, the Present, and the Future (2005)
In their joint presentation for the 2005 AAS Rossi Prize Lecture, Martin Weisskopf (MSFC) & Harvey Tananbaum (CXC) discussed the history of the Chandra mission, the development of the hardware, its testing, and launch on July 23, 1999. The majority of the talk gives an eclectic review of some of the most exciting scientific highlights, including: the first source seen with Chandra - an unusual Seyfert 1 nicknamed Leon X-1; the detailed study of the Crab Nebula and its pulsar; the 1-million second exposure on Cas A. The presentation also summarizes some of the major Chandra findings for normal and active galaxies, and illustrates the breadth of science enabled by Chandra observations of clusters of galaxies. The talk closes with a brief look towards the future of the field (Approx Run Time: 50 minutes)

Chandra Image Loop (2003)
7. Chandra Image Loop (2003)
This presentation is a collection of 25 Chandra images from 2001-2003. The slides are set in a loop that
will run continuously during presentation mode until the Escape button is pressed. Each slide has about 30
seconds in between transitions.(Approx Run Time: 15-20 minutes)

Space Art 2003
8. Illustrating & Animating the X-ray Universe (2003)
Illustrations: Size Quark, TW Hyrae, Spectra, GRB-SNR, AGN-Flr, Stellar Evolution
Animations: Spacecraft, Black Hole Merger Stills/Animated, SNR, Black Hole, Showcasing Images, Putting it Together
Data: Cas A, X-ray+Opt, Stephan, X-ray+Opt, 3079, Spectra, In Motion, Crab
Data In Motion: Crab Nebula, Galactic Center Still/Animated (June 26, 2003)(Approx Run Time: 50 minutes)

Galactic Center
9. The Chandra X-ray Observatory (2002)
Slides Included: Electromagnetic Spectrum, Grazing Schematic, Mirror Polish & Fabrication, Chandra in Cargo Bay, STS-93 Crew, Launch, Deployment, Cas A, G292, Crab & Vela, Galactic Center, NGC 6240, Cen A, Clusters, CDFS, Image Gallery (December 6, 2002)(Approx Run Time: 45-55 minutes)

Galactic Center
10. Survey of the Galactic Center
Slides included: Center of our Galaxy (Optical), ASCA Survey of the Galactic Center, Chandra Survey of the Galactic Center, Zoom of Galactic Center, Galactic Center Across the Spectrum, Summary Slide. (January 18, 2002)(Approx Run Time: 15 minutes)

Chandra 1999-2001
11. Chandra 1999 - 2001
Slides Included: Electromagnetic Spectrum, X-ray Producing Collision, X-ray Absorption, Grazing Schematic, Launch, Deployment, Orbit, Comet C/1999 S4, LP 944-20, Orion Nebula, Eta Carinae, Stellar Evolution, PNE BD+30, Sirius A & B, SN 87a, Cas A, Crab Nebula & Vela, G11.2-0.3, Antennae, M82, GRB 991216, M31, Cen A, 3C263, Pictor A, Cyg A, Hydra A, A2142, Chandra Deep Field N & S, Image Gallery (April 25, 2001)(Approx Run Time: 60 minutes)

CXO Operations
12. CXO Operations
Slides Included: Mission and Observatory Description, Chandra Operations, Chandra X-ray Center Architecture, Mission Metrics, and Operational Process Examples - Reacting to Radiation Belts (November 14, 2000)(Approx Run Time: 45 - 55 minutes)

A Look at Chandra's 1st Year
13. A Look at Chandra's 1st Year
Slides Included: Electromagnetic Spectrum, Grazing Schematic, Hardware/Instruments, Chandra Spacecraft, Launch & Deploy Movie, Orion, Cas A, Pulsars, Black Holes, Galaxies, Jets, Galaxy Clusters, Image Gallery (October 12, 2000)(Approx Run Time: 30 - 40 minutes)

Early Results from Chandra
14. Early Results from Chandra
Slides Included: Electromagnetic Spectrum, Grazing Schematic, Grazing Movie, Mirror Polish & Fabrication, Chandra at TRW (now NGST), Chandra in Cargo Bay, Crew Movie, Launch Movie, Deploy Movie, Cas A, Crab Nebula, SNR Gallery, Orion Nebula, M31, Cen A, Deep Field, First Images Gallery (March 29, 2000)(Approx Run Time: 30 - 40 minutes)