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X-ray, Radio and Optical Images of 3C305
These individual X-ray, radio and optical images show activity from the central black hole in 3C305. Unexpectedly, Chandra's X-ray data does not appear to align with radio emission detected by the Very Large Array, but does overlap with the optical emission. Using this information, astronomers believe the X-ray emission is caused either by jets or radiation surrounding the black hole. One of these mechanisms is infusing the interstellar gas with enough energy to cause it to glow in X-ray light.
(Credit: X-ray (NASA/CXC/CfA/F.Massaro, et al.); Optical (NASA/STScI/C.P.O'Dea); Radio (NSF/VLA/CfA/F.Massaro, et al.)
These individual X-ray, radio and optical images show activity from the central black hole in 3C305. Unexpectedly, Chandra's X-ray data does not appear to align with radio emission detected by the Very Large Array, but does overlap with the optical emission. Using this information, astronomers believe the X-ray emission is caused either by jets or radiation surrounding the black hole. One of these mechanisms is infusing the interstellar gas with enough energy to cause it to glow in X-ray light.
(Credit: X-ray (NASA/CXC/CfA/F.Massaro, et al.); Optical (NASA/STScI/C.P.O'Dea); Radio (NSF/VLA/CfA/F.Massaro, et al.)
3C305 with Scale Bar
(Credit: X-ray (NASA/CXC/CfA/F.Massaro, et al.); Optical (NASA/STScI/C.P.O'Dea); Radio (NSF/VLA/CfA/F.Massaro, et al.)
(Credit: X-ray (NASA/CXC/CfA/F.Massaro, et al.); Optical (NASA/STScI/C.P.O'Dea); Radio (NSF/VLA/CfA/F.Massaro, et al.)
3C305 (May 14, 2009)